Well, I'm finally getting around to blogging about my sweet grandson. I left on January 12th and flew to Missouri where I was met at the airport by my son-in-law and my VERY pregnant daughter. On Thursday, the 15th I went with Brittany to her doctor's appt where they told her that if the baby needed to be induced, her induction date was January 27th. Kelly and I were leaving to come home on the 29th! Suprisingly, she went into labor that night and after some scary moments when Holden's heartrate dropped down into the 60s, it was decided to do a c-section. Brittany was put completely under and Nick had to leave the room. He and I waited in Britt's hospital room and got to see Holden right after he was born. He weighed 8 lbs 2oz, was 20 1/2 " long and was born on his due date. Sadly, Brittany had to wait almost 2 hours before she woke up and got to see him. She was in the hospital until the 19th and then Kelly arrived on the 22nd. We had a great time just enjoying him until we had to leave for home on the 29th. I am really looking forward to their visit home next month when his aunties, his other grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great-grandpa get to meet him!
Thankfulness Day 6
7 years ago