Happy Birthday Kelly! How can it be that you are 50 today? 50? When did "middle age" happen? I wish you were here so we could have a great big party to celebrate or go on a great get-away, just the two of us, but...you are spending your birthday in the"sand box" on the other side of the world.

The first birthday of yours that we spent together was your 21st. I remember that you invited me and my family to your parent's house for your birthday dinner. Your mom made cottage cheese dumplings which sounded so strange but were really good. I don't think that I have ever had them since. Maybe I will ask her for the recipe and make them when you come home.
It seems like you've spent more of your birthdays since then away from home than here to celebrate. I think most of the time you were at either AT or drill for your birthday and our anniversary and yet I don't ever remember you complaining about it (I know that I would have!)
So, on this day that you celebrate a half-century (!) of life, know that I appreciate the wonderful person that you are, I miss you, and most of all that I love you so much!
You say "your world is a better place because I'm in it".. I know for a fact, I wouldn't be who I am or what I am today had I not found you. You and my girls make my life complete. I just pray that GOD see's fit to give us another 27 plus years together. You "ARE" my LOVE and my LIFE.
ugh, i need to stop reading this crap at work. crying at work is so not okay!
also, i love your new layout momma. :)
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