Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gratitude - Day 14

Happy Valentine's Day!! I have been saving today to say how grateful I am for my husband. I love him so much and have for the past (almost) 30 years! I knew that I wanted to be with him forever when we first started dating. I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else, ever, and I still feel that way. He is everything that most men aren't typically known to be. He is gentle, kind, funny, thoughtful, sweet, caring, giving, unselfish, loving and romantic. He genuinely likes doing things for me and always encourages me to be the best that I can be. He is truly my best friend and I would rather spend time with him than with anyone else. He makes me feel loved and protected and always wants me to be happy. He wrote me this sweet card and sent it to me from Iraq for Valentine's Day. Hopefully he won't care that I share it here, it just captures how wonderful he is. Here is what he wrote for me.

I can't help but find myself at a loss for words, trying to describe the wave of feelings that rushes through me when I look into the face of the woman that has pledged herself to me, for life.

I ask myself, how could I have been so blessed? What makes me so deserving of this woman's love? I don't know that I could ever have achieved what I have if not for her, her strength, her wisdom, her support and most of all her love.

See what I mean? I love this man so much!

Even though we're apart for Valentine's Day this year he still made my day!

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